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Norse Mythology Discussion Sessions with Dr. Toni Holland

Monday, August 5, 2024, 8:00 AM until Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 5:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Morten Lamoey
Registration is not Required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
A member of Snorre, Dr. Holland is a renowned English & Humanities professor and the Director of HCC Honors College Southeast. Her PhD is in poetry and poetics. The Library of Congress lists her dissertation online as a reference to US Poets Laureate. Dr. Holland is a Fulbright recipient who has taught American, British, Canadian, and world literature in universities and colleges. Also a poet, her publications include Literary Matters, Fare Forward, Jelly Bucket, Illay's Honey, Solstice Review, Potomac Review, Blue Unicorn, The Tau, and Rip Rap. Her poet residencies include The Millay Colony, The Vermont Studio Center, and Shakespeare and Company in Paris, France. As a professor, Dr. Holland has a background teaching Greek and Roman mythology.

Between August and November, Dr. Holland will hold weekly virtual sessions on Norse mythology. We will begin with The Poetic Edda; the recommended translation is Jackson Crawford's The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes (Hackett Classics). Within the context of our Norwegian culture and heritage, we will benefit by learning the literature and explore what it means to be human.
Participants may attend one or all discussion sessions, which will be held virtually. A reading guide and the discussion method will be provided.
Those interested may reply to this message. Registration and details are forthcoming.